🔷A new update 271 is officially released today Starsat sr2000hd hyper Geshar server has been upgraded to G_Share-3 142 File Name: SR-2000HD_HYPER_V2.71(25124)_27092023.zip File Size: 4.15 MB File Type: application/zip Hits: 2313 Hits Created Date: 27-09-2023 Last Updated Date: 27-09-2023 SR-2000HD_HYPER_V2.71(25124)_27092023
GTMedia V8UHD Please do the following steps: 1)backup the channel list. 2)export the softcam.key to usb device 3)update the firmware to box by allcode mode 4)update channel list then import softcam.key 03/08/2023 Change log: 1. Version information update 2. Fix cc subtitles 3. Fix known bugs GTMedia V8UHD